no test for tmr
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 | 01:11 | 0 comments
waeee? why you so comellll?
excuse me, jangan pandang lama-lama.
hi. today kemalasan aina tahap 'sangat cemerlang'. hahahaha.
yeaaaa esok takde test. hari ni aina ada tiga test and i felt really tired.
but i had a nap during bahasa test.
ahahahaha. malu okey bila ingat apa yang berlaku time tu. tapi seriously, sedap kut dapat tidur.
kesakaian pelajar indian dalam kelas aina makin hari makin tahap 'membangangkan'.
ayat sedapkan? tapi ya allah, sakitnya hati.
aina ckp dengan tch, buat permohonan keluarkan pelajar indian dari kelas aina untuk kebaikan kelas aina dan diri sendiri.
makin memburuk kan nama kelas, makin menyakitkan hati guru dan orang yang kena tempiasnya.
haih. kalau aina ada kuasa aina buang dorang dari kelas tu. lagi bagus keluar sekolah terus.
keluar terus dari p.a, keluar terus dari dunia niiiiiiiii.
aina is going tu finish when the door closes's fanfic.
tapi sekarang ni idea tetiba stuck. okey.
aaaaaaaaaaa. okey back to topic.
i had found this. dongwoon's fact
doesn’t like girls who use aegyo.
Dongwoon really
loves playing the piano. He usually practices alone.
Not only can
Dongwoon play the piano, but he can also play the violin.
favorite cologne is Bodyshop’s White Musk
Dongwoon can’t
just sit and do nothing. He always tries to find things to do, which annoys the
rest of the members at times.
Dongwoon loves
reading science fiction books.
favorite food is pepper/chili crab.
Dongwoon loved
to dress in Bohemian style.
[i'm sorry if the fact were wrong, i'm just copy from mr. google. hee]
okey okey okey. di sebabkan hari ni aina agak baik,
let's look yoseob's fact.
please focus on yoseob's lips. aaaa. okey, please stop now. thank you.
excuse me. please stop staring my laki. thank you.
- Ramen is Yoseob’s favorite food, others include Black bean noodles and Kimchi stew
- Yoseob likes to take Hyunseung's food
-Yoseob used to love soccer. Junhyung influenced him and now he only uses his strength unless he must
- Yoseob likes dressing in normal clothes such as t-shirts and hats.
- Yoseob has a habit of hitting Doojoon while sleeping
- Yoseob is the worst at games (including computer games). He’s a sore loser and won’t play again if he loses.
- B2st members call him, YANGDERELLA because he is a very SENSITIVE and "GIRLY" guy

and this thing make me wanna crying
" YoSeob once fell asleep on Dong Woon's shoulder. However, he was not woken up and Dong Woon ended up sitting there until his hyung woke up."
okey, takde yang lebih comel lagi ke? haih. ahahhaa itu cukup comel dah.
i'm gonna end here. please pray that tonight everything gonna be okay or he absent.
got to go.
eh by the way. hyemi, nah gambar yang hang mintak.
okey dok? nanti pepandai lah hang buat.
okey, ailappiyuuu.