Wednesday, 10 April 2013 | 05:21 | 0 comments

Lalalala i love you baby.
Hi. Today is wednesday. Wednesday night always make me feel very uncomfortable. There's like millions butterflies in my stomach. I hate this new feeling. This new feeling start when i was in relationship with a guy.
This guy very mystery. Aina start kenal dia since form one. Kitaorang sama tuisyen. And ugh. I cant really describe about him. He very mystery. I'm not know him well. But i wish too. He know me like well but I'm not. I dont even know how he knew me.
It's been almost two weeks we dont contact each other, bro.
You know what Bihee? Even you said i should break up with him, i think its better this way than i'm alone. Its not about status. Its about reality. All this ruining me. Yes, we not contact but at least we meet every wednesday. Its okey. I'm fine too.
Last Tuesday, a nice girl who my boyfriend's friend tell the teacher that he only take wednesday's class? I dont even know it. Its hurt me a little. Maybe.
Bihee, too much sugar here. Ahahahhaahhah.
Aku nak hilangkan resah gelisah ni. Haih. Aku taknak pergi tuisyen. Arghhhh.